2 "coord": {
3 "lon": -122.08,
4 "lat": 37.39
5 },
6 "weather": [
7 {
8 "id": 800,
9 "main": "Clear",
10 "description": "clear sky",
11 "icon": "01d"
12 }
13 ],
14 "base": "stations",
15 "main": {
16 "temp": 289.92,
17 "pressure": 1013,
18 "humidity": 62,
19 "temp_min": 288.71,
20 "temp_max": 290.93
21 },
22 "visibility": 16093,
23 "wind": {
24 "speed": 1.5,
25 "deg": 350
26 },
27 "clouds": {
28 "all": 1
29 },
30 "dt": 1560350645,
31 "sys": {
32 "type": 1,
33 "id": 5122,
34 "message": 0.0139,
35 "country": "US",
36 "sunrise": 1560343627,
37 "sunset": 1560396563
38 },
39 "timezone": -25200,
40 "id": 420006353,
41 "name": "Mountain View",
42 "cod": 200
The Weather Forecast Response json is an example response of an Weather forecasting API which returns the current weather reports of the given city.
An example json response of a weather forecasting API typically includes current weather conditions, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure. It may also include a forecast for the next few hours or days, including predicted temperature, precipitation probability and type, and cloud cover.
Additionally, the json API may provide information about historical weather data and forecasts for specific locations and time periods based on requests.