
Spotify Get Tracks' Audio Features Response Json

Spotify Get Tracks' Audio Features Response Json
The Spotify Get Tracks' Audio Features Response Json is an example response of spotify get audio features for multiple tracks based on their Spotify IDs.

JSON Data:

1{ 2 "audio_features": [ 3 { 4 "acousticness": 0.00242, 5 "analysis_url": "\n", 6 "danceability": 0.585, 7 "duration_ms": 237040, 8 "energy": 0.842, 9 "id": "2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B", 10 "instrumentalness": 0.00686, 11 "key": 9, 12 "liveness": 0.0866, 13 "loudness": -5.883, 14 "mode": 0, 15 "speechiness": 0.0556, 16 "tempo": 118.211, 17 "time_signature": 4, 18 "track_href": "\n", 19 "type": "audio_features", 20 "uri": "spotify:track:2takcwOaAZWiXQijPHIx7B", 21 "valence": 0.428 22 } 23 ] 24}


The Spotify Get Tracks' Audio Features Response Json is an example response of spotify get audio features for multiple tracks based on their Spotify IDs.

The Spotify Get Tracks' Audio Features Json API provides a comprehensive set of audio features for a given track. It returns a JSON object containing the track's audio features, such as tempo, key, mode, time signature, loudness, and more. The Json response also includes a list of the track's audio analysis segments, which provide detailed information about the track's structure and musical content.

The Json response also includes a list of the track's audio analysis sections, which provide detailed information about the track's structure and musical content. Each section contains information about the section's start and end time, its duration, its loudness, and its timbre. Additionally, the response includes a list of the track's audio features, such as its tempo, key, mode, time signature, and loudness. All of this data can be used to gain insight into the track's musical content and structure.

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