2 "meta": {
3 "analyzer_version": "4.0.0",
4 "platform": "Linux",
5 "detailed_status": "OK",
6 "status_code": 0,
7 "timestamp": 1495193577,
8 "analysis_time": 6.93906,
9 "input_process": "libvorbisfile L+R 44100->22050"
10 },
11 "track": {
12 "num_samples": 4585515,
13 "duration": 207.95985,
14 "sample_md5": "string",
15 "offset_seconds": 0,
16 "window_seconds": 0,
17 "analysis_sample_rate": 22050,
18 "analysis_channels": 1,
19 "end_of_fade_in": 0,
20 "start_of_fade_out": 201.13705,
21 "loudness": -5.883,
22 "tempo": 118.211,
23 "tempo_confidence": 0.73,
24 "time_signature": 4,
25 "time_signature_confidence": 0.994,
26 "key": 9,
27 "key_confidence": 0.408,
28 "mode": 0,
29 "mode_confidence": 0.485,
30 "codestring": "string",
31 "code_version": 3.15,
32 "echoprintstring": "string",
33 "echoprint_version": 4.15,
34 "synchstring": "string",
35 "synch_version": 1,
36 "rhythmstring": "string",
37 "rhythm_version": 1
38 },
39 "bars": [
40 {
41 "start": 0.49567,
42 "duration": 2.18749,
43 "confidence": 0.925
44 }
45 ],
46 "beats": [
47 {
48 "start": 0.49567,
49 "duration": 2.18749,
50 "confidence": 0.925
51 }
52 ],
53 "sections": [
54 {
55 "start": 0,
56 "duration": 6.97092,
57 "confidence": 1,
58 "loudness": -14.938,
59 "tempo": 113.178,
60 "tempo_confidence": 0.647,
61 "key": 9,
62 "key_confidence": 0.297,
63 "mode": -1,
64 "mode_confidence": 0.471,
65 "time_signature": 4,
66 "time_signature_confidence": 1
67 }
68 ],
69 "segments": [
70 {
71 "start": 0.70154,
72 "duration": 0.19891,
73 "confidence": 0.435,
74 "loudness_start": -23.053,
75 "loudness_max": -14.25,
76 "loudness_max_time": 0.07305,
77 "loudness_end": 0,
78 "pitches": [
79 0.212,
80 0.141,
81 0.294
82 ],
83 "timbre": [
84 42.115,
85 64.373,
86 -0.233
87 ]
88 }
89 ],
90 "tatums": [
91 {
92 "start": 0.49567,
93 "duration": 2.18749,
94 "confidence": 0.925
95 }
96 ]
The Spotify Get Track's Audio Analysis Response Json is an example response of spotify Get Track's Audio Analysis API get a low-level audio analysis for a track in the Spotify catalog. The audio analysis describes the track’s structure and musical content, including rhythm, pitch, and timbre.
The Spotify Get Track's Audio Analysis Json API provides detailed audio analysis for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID. The Json response includes a variety of audio features such as tempo, time signature, key, mode, loudness, and speechiness. It also provides detailed information about the track's structure, including sections, bars, beats, and tatums. Additionally, the response includes a list of segments, which are short portions of the track that have a consistent sound. Each segment includes its own set of audio features, such as timbre, pitch, and loudness.
The Json response also includes a list of the track's associated audio features, such as danceability, energy, and valence. These features are calculated from the audio analysis and provide an overall description of the track's sound. Additionally, the Json response includes a list of the track's associated artists, as well as the album and release date. Finally, the Json response includes a link to the track's preview on Spotify.
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Episyche Technologies
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Based on JSON CRACK, by AykutSarac