2 "album": {
3 "album_type": "compilation",
4 "total_tracks": 9,
5 "available_markets": [
6 "CA",
7 "BR",
8 "IT"
9 ],
10 "external_urls": {
11 "spotify": "string"
12 },
13 "href": "string",
14 "id": "2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ",
15 "images": [
16 {
17 "url": "\n",
18 "height": 300,
19 "width": 300
20 }
21 ],
22 "name": "string",
23 "release_date": "1981-12",
24 "release_date_precision": "year",
25 "restrictions": {
26 "reason": "market"
27 },
28 "type": "album",
29 "uri": "spotify:album:2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ",
30 "copyrights": [
31 {
32 "text": "string",
33 "type": "string"
34 }
35 ],
36 "external_ids": {
37 "isrc": "string",
38 "ean": "string",
39 "upc": "string"
40 },
41 "genres": [
42 "Egg punk",
43 "Noise rock"
44 ],
45 "label": "string",
46 "popularity": 0,
47 "album_group": "compilation",
48 "artists": [
49 {
50 "external_urls": {
51 "spotify": "string"
52 },
53 "href": "string",
54 "id": "string",
55 "name": "string",
56 "type": "artist",
57 "uri": "string"
58 }
59 ]
60 },
61 "artists": [
62 {
63 "external_urls": {
64 "spotify": "string"
65 },
66 "followers": {
67 "href": "string",
68 "total": 0
69 },
70 "genres": [
71 "Prog rock",
72 "Grunge"
73 ],
74 "href": "string",
75 "id": "string",
76 "images": [
77 {
78 "url": "\n",
79 "height": 300,
80 "width": 300
81 }
82 ],
83 "name": "string",
84 "popularity": 0,
85 "type": "artist",
86 "uri": "string"
87 }
88 ],
89 "available_markets": [
90 "string"
91 ],
92 "disc_number": 0,
93 "duration_ms": 0,
94 "explicit": true,
95 "external_ids": {
96 "isrc": "string",
97 "ean": "string",
98 "upc": "string"
99 },
100 "external_urls": {
101 "spotify": "string"
102 },
103 "href": "string",
104 "id": "string",
105 "is_playable": true,
106 "linked_from": {},
107 "restrictions": {
108 "reason": "string"
109 },
110 "name": "string",
111 "popularity": 0,
112 "preview_url": "string",
113 "track_number": 0,
114 "type": "track",
115 "uri": "string",
116 "is_local": true
The Spotify Get Track Response Json is an example response of spotify get Spotify catalog information for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.
The Spotify Get Track Json API allows developers to retrieve detailed information about a track, such as its name, artist, album, and release date. It also provides access to audio features, such as tempo, key, and time signature. The Json API returns a JSON object containing the requested track information.
The Json API also allows developers to search for tracks by name, artist, album, or genre. It also supports filtering by popularity, release date, and other criteria. Additionally, the Json API can be used to retrieve audio analysis data, such as loudness, tempo, and timbre. This data can be used to create custom playlists and analyze music trends.
Developed by
Episyche Technologies
Copyright © 2022-2024 Episyche Technologies. All rights reserved.
Based on JSON CRACK, by AykutSarac