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13 },
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22 ],
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28 },
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35 }
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44 "Noise rock"
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66 },
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72 "Prog rock",
73 "Grunge"
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78 {
79 "url": "https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e02ff9ca10b55ce82ae553c8228\n",
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100 },
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118 },
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120 {
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125 "CA",
126 "BR",
127 "IT"
128 ],
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131 },
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159 },
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161 "Egg punk",
162 "Noise rock"
163 ],
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179 },
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181 {
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190 "Prog rock",
191 "Grunge"
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196 {
197 "url": "https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e02ff9ca10b55ce82ae553c8228\n",
198 "height": 300,
199 "width": 300
200 }
201 ],
202 "name": "string",
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206 }
207 ],
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210 ],
211 "disc_number": 0,
212 "duration_ms": 0,
213 "explicit": true,
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216 "ean": "string",
217 "upc": "string"
218 },
219 "external_urls": {
220 "spotify": "string"
221 },
222 "href": "string",
223 "id": "string",
224 "is_playable": true,
225 "linked_from": {},
226 "restrictions": {
227 "reason": "string"
228 },
229 "name": "string",
230 "popularity": 0,
231 "preview_url": "string",
232 "track_number": 0,
233 "type": "track",
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235 "is_local": true
236 }
237 ]
The Spotify Get the User's Queue Response Json is an example response of Spotify Get the User's Queue API which get the list of objects that make up the user's queue.
The Spotify Get User's Queue Json API allows users to retrieve the current playback queue of a user's device. This Json API returns a list of tracks in the user's queue, including the currently playing track. The response includes the track's name, artist, album, and duration, as well as the user's current playback position.
The Json response also includes the user's device ID, the device type, and the user's current playback context. This context includes the context type, the context URI, and the context metadata. The context metadata includes the context's name, the context's image, and the context's type. Additionally, the Json response includes the user's shuffle state and repeat state.
Developed by
Episyche Technologies
Copyright © 2022-2024 Episyche Technologies. All rights reserved.
Based on JSON CRACK, by AykutSarac