Spotify Get Playlist Response Json

Spotify Get Playlist Response Json
The Spotify Get Playlist Response  is an example response of Spotify Get Playlist API get the current user's followed artists.

JSON Data:

1{ 2 "collaborative": true, 3 "description": "string", 4 "external_urls": { 5 "spotify": "string" 6 }, 7 "followers": { 8 "href": "string", 9 "total": 0 10 }, 11 "href": "string", 12 "id": "string", 13 "images": [ 14 { 15 "url": "\n", 16 "height": 300, 17 "width": 300 18 } 19 ], 20 "name": "string", 21 "owner": { 22 "external_urls": { 23 "spotify": "string" 24 }, 25 "followers": { 26 "href": "string", 27 "total": 0 28 }, 29 "href": "string", 30 "id": "string", 31 "type": "user", 32 "uri": "string", 33 "display_name": "string" 34 }, 35 "public": true, 36 "snapshot_id": "string", 37 "tracks": { 38 "href": "\n", 39 "limit": 20, 40 "next": "", 41 "offset": 0, 42 "previous": "", 43 "total": 4, 44 "items": [ 45 { 46 "added_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", 47 "added_by": { 48 "external_urls": { 49 "spotify": "string" 50 }, 51 "followers": { 52 "href": "string", 53 "total": 0 54 }, 55 "href": "string", 56 "id": "string", 57 "type": "user", 58 "uri": "string" 59 }, 60 "is_local": true, 61 "track": { 62 "album": { 63 "album_type": "compilation", 64 "total_tracks": 9, 65 "available_markets": [ 66 "CA", 67 "BR", 68 "IT" 69 ], 70 "external_urls": { 71 "spotify": "string" 72 }, 73 "href": "string", 74 "id": "2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 75 "images": [ 76 { 77 "url": "\n", 78 "height": 300, 79 "width": 300 80 } 81 ], 82 "name": "string", 83 "release_date": "1981-12", 84 "release_date_precision": "year", 85 "restrictions": { 86 "reason": "market" 87 }, 88 "type": "album", 89 "uri": "spotify:album:2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 90 "copyrights": [ 91 { 92 "text": "string", 93 "type": "string" 94 } 95 ], 96 "external_ids": { 97 "isrc": "string", 98 "ean": "string", 99 "upc": "string" 100 }, 101 "genres": [ 102 "Egg punk", 103 "Noise rock" 104 ], 105 "label": "string", 106 "popularity": 0, 107 "album_group": "compilation", 108 "artists": [ 109 { 110 "external_urls": { 111 "spotify": "string" 112 }, 113 "href": "string", 114 "id": "string", 115 "name": "string", 116 "type": "artist", 117 "uri": "string" 118 } 119 ] 120 }, 121 "artists": [ 122 { 123 "external_urls": { 124 "spotify": "string" 125 }, 126 "followers": { 127 "href": "string", 128 "total": 0 129 }, 130 "genres": [ 131 "Prog rock", 132 "Grunge" 133 ], 134 "href": "string", 135 "id": "string", 136 "images": [ 137 { 138 "url": "\n", 139 "height": 300, 140 "width": 300 141 } 142 ], 143 "name": "string", 144 "popularity": 0, 145 "type": "artist", 146 "uri": "string" 147 } 148 ], 149 "available_markets": [ 150 "string" 151 ], 152 "disc_number": 0, 153 "duration_ms": 0, 154 "explicit": true, 155 "external_ids": { 156 "isrc": "string", 157 "ean": "string", 158 "upc": "string" 159 }, 160 "external_urls": { 161 "spotify": "string" 162 }, 163 "href": "string", 164 "id": "string", 165 "is_playable": true, 166 "linked_from": {}, 167 "restrictions": { 168 "reason": "string" 169 }, 170 "name": "string", 171 "popularity": 0, 172 "preview_url": "string", 173 "track_number": 0, 174 "type": "track", 175 "uri": "string", 176 "is_local": true 177 } 178 } 179 ] 180 }, 181 "type": "string", 182 "uri": "string" 183}


The Spotify Get Playlist Response Json is an example response of Spotify Get Playlist API get the current user's followed artists.

The Spotify Get Playlist Json API allows developers to retrieve a playlist from the Spotify catalog. It returns a JSON object containing the playlist's metadata, such as its name, description, and the list of tracks it contains. The response also includes the total number of tracks in the playlist, the total duration of the playlist, and the date the playlist was last updated.

The Json response also includes a list of tracks, each with its own metadata such as the track's name, artist, album, and duration. Additionally, the Json response includes a list of external URLs for the track, such as a link to the track's page on Spotify, a link to the track's preview on Spotify, and a link to the track's cover art.

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