2 "device": {
3 "id": "string",
4 "is_active": true,
5 "is_private_session": true,
6 "is_restricted": true,
7 "name": "Kitchen speaker",
8 "type": "computer",
9 "volume_percent": 59
10 },
11 "repeat_state": "string",
12 "shuffle_state": true,
13 "context": {
14 "type": "string",
15 "href": "string",
16 "external_urls": {
17 "spotify": "string"
18 },
19 "uri": "string"
20 },
21 "timestamp": 0,
22 "progress_ms": 0,
23 "is_playing": true,
24 "item": {
25 "album": {
26 "album_type": "compilation",
27 "total_tracks": 9,
28 "available_markets": [
29 "CA",
30 "BR",
31 "IT"
32 ],
33 "external_urls": {
34 "spotify": "string"
35 },
36 "href": "string",
37 "id": "2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ",
38 "images": [
39 {
40 "url": "\n",
41 "height": 300,
42 "width": 300
43 }
44 ],
45 "name": "string",
46 "release_date": "1981-12",
47 "release_date_precision": "year",
48 "restrictions": {
49 "reason": "market"
50 },
51 "type": "album",
52 "uri": "spotify:album:2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ",
53 "copyrights": [
54 {
55 "text": "string",
56 "type": "string"
57 }
58 ],
59 "external_ids": {
60 "isrc": "string",
61 "ean": "string",
62 "upc": "string"
63 },
64 "genres": [
65 "Egg punk",
66 "Noise rock"
67 ],
68 "label": "string",
69 "popularity": 0,
70 "album_group": "compilation",
71 "artists": [
72 {
73 "external_urls": {
74 "spotify": "string"
75 },
76 "href": "string",
77 "id": "string",
78 "name": "string",
79 "type": "artist",
80 "uri": "string"
81 }
82 ]
83 },
84 "artists": [
85 {
86 "external_urls": {
87 "spotify": "string"
88 },
89 "followers": {
90 "href": "string",
91 "total": 0
92 },
93 "genres": [
94 "Prog rock",
95 "Grunge"
96 ],
97 "href": "string",
98 "id": "string",
99 "images": [
100 {
101 "url": "\n",
102 "height": 300,
103 "width": 300
104 }
105 ],
106 "name": "string",
107 "popularity": 0,
108 "type": "artist",
109 "uri": "string"
110 }
111 ],
112 "available_markets": [
113 "string"
114 ],
115 "disc_number": 0,
116 "duration_ms": 0,
117 "explicit": true,
118 "external_ids": {
119 "isrc": "string",
120 "ean": "string",
121 "upc": "string"
122 },
123 "external_urls": {
124 "spotify": "string"
125 },
126 "href": "string",
127 "id": "string",
128 "is_playable": true,
129 "linked_from": {},
130 "restrictions": {
131 "reason": "string"
132 },
133 "name": "string",
134 "popularity": 0,
135 "preview_url": "string",
136 "track_number": 0,
137 "type": "track",
138 "uri": "string",
139 "is_local": true
140 },
141 "currently_playing_type": "string",
142 "actions": {
143 "interrupting_playback": true,
144 "pausing": true,
145 "resuming": true,
146 "seeking": true,
147 "skipping_next": true,
148 "skipping_prev": true,
149 "toggling_repeat_context": true,
150 "toggling_shuffle": true,
151 "toggling_repeat_track": true,
152 "transferring_playback": true
153 }
The Spotify Get Playback State Response Json is an example response of Spotify Get Playback State API which Retrieve a list of available genres seed parameter values for recommendations.
The Spotify Get Playback State Json API provides information about the current playback state of the user's device. This includes the currently playing track, the user's current position in the track, the device's current volume, and whether or not the device is currently playing.
The Json response from the API contains the following data: the device's current playback state (playing, paused, or stopped), the currently playing track's name, artist, album, and URI, the user's current position in the track, the device's current volume, and whether or not the device is currently playing. Additionally, Json the response also contains the timestamp of when the playback state was last updated.