Spotify Get New Releases Response Json

Spotify Get New Releases Response Json
The Spotify Get New Releases Response Json of Spotify Get New Releases API gets a list of new album releases featured in Spotify.

JSON Data:

1{ 2 "albums": { 3 "href": "\n", 4 "limit": 20, 5 "next": "", 6 "offset": 0, 7 "previous": "", 8 "total": 4, 9 "items": [ 10 { 11 "album_type": "compilation", 12 "total_tracks": 9, 13 "available_markets": [ 14 "CA", 15 "BR", 16 "IT" 17 ], 18 "external_urls": { 19 "spotify": "string" 20 }, 21 "href": "string", 22 "id": "2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 23 "images": [ 24 { 25 "url": "\n", 26 "height": 300, 27 "width": 300 28 } 29 ], 30 "name": "string", 31 "release_date": "1981-12", 32 "release_date_precision": "year", 33 "restrictions": { 34 "reason": "market" 35 }, 36 "type": "album", 37 "uri": "spotify:album:2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 38 "copyrights": [ 39 { 40 "text": "string", 41 "type": "string" 42 } 43 ], 44 "external_ids": { 45 "isrc": "string", 46 "ean": "string", 47 "upc": "string" 48 }, 49 "genres": [ 50 "Egg punk", 51 "Noise rock" 52 ], 53 "label": "string", 54 "popularity": 0, 55 "album_group": "compilation", 56 "artists": [ 57 { 58 "external_urls": { 59 "spotify": "string" 60 }, 61 "href": "string", 62 "id": "string", 63 "name": "string", 64 "type": "artist", 65 "uri": "string" 66 } 67 ] 68 } 69 ] 70 } 71}


The Spotify Get New Releases Response Json of Spotify Get New Releases API gets a list of new album releases featured in Spotify (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s “Browse” tab).

The Spotify Get New Releases Json API provides access to new album releases from Spotify. It allows developers to retrieve a list of new album releases featured in Spotify, including information about the album, artist, and tracks.

The response from the Json API includes a list of albums, each with a unique ID, name, artist, release date, and a list of tracks. Each track includes a unique ID, name, duration, and a preview URL. Additionally, the response includes a link to the album's cover art and a list of genres associated with the album.

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