Spotify Get Followed Artists Response Json

Spotify Get Followed Artists Response Json
The Spotify Get Followed Artists Response Json is an example response of Spotify Get Followed Artists API get the current user's followed artists.

JSON Data:

1{ 2 "artists": { 3 "href": "string", 4 "limit": 0, 5 "next": "string", 6 "cursors": { 7 "after": "string", 8 "before": "string" 9 }, 10 "total": 0, 11 "items": [ 12 { 13 "external_urls": { 14 "spotify": "string" 15 }, 16 "followers": { 17 "href": "string", 18 "total": 0 19 }, 20 "genres": [ 21 "Prog rock", 22 "Grunge" 23 ], 24 "href": "string", 25 "id": "string", 26 "images": [ 27 { 28 "url": "\n", 29 "height": 300, 30 "width": 300 31 } 32 ], 33 "name": "string", 34 "popularity": 0, 35 "type": "artist", 36 "uri": "string" 37 } 38 ] 39 } 40}


The Spotify Get Followed Artists Response Json is an example response of Spotify Get Followed Artists API get the current user's followed artists.

The Spotify Get Followed Artists Json API allows users to retrieve a list of artists that they follow. This API returns a list of artist objects, each containing the artist's name, Spotify ID, and a list of genres associated with the artist. Additionally, the Json API also returns a list of external URLs associated with the artist, such as their website, social media accounts, and other related links.

The Json API also returns a list of artist images, which can be used to display the artist's profile picture or other images associated with the artist. Additionally, the Json API also returns a list of related artists, which can be used to discover new music and artists that are similar to the user's current favorites.

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