
Spotify Get Currently Playing Track Response Json

Spotify Get Currently Playing Track Response Json
The Spotify Get Currently Playing Track Response Json is an example response of Spotify Get Currently Playing Track API which get the object currently being played on the user's Spotify account.

JSON Data:

1{ 2 "device": { 3 "id": "string", 4 "is_active": true, 5 "is_private_session": true, 6 "is_restricted": true, 7 "name": "Kitchen speaker", 8 "type": "computer", 9 "volume_percent": 59 10 }, 11 "repeat_state": "string", 12 "shuffle_state": true, 13 "context": { 14 "type": "string", 15 "href": "string", 16 "external_urls": { 17 "spotify": "string" 18 }, 19 "uri": "string" 20 }, 21 "timestamp": 0, 22 "progress_ms": 0, 23 "is_playing": true, 24 "item": { 25 "album": { 26 "album_type": "compilation", 27 "total_tracks": 9, 28 "available_markets": [ 29 "CA", 30 "BR", 31 "IT" 32 ], 33 "external_urls": { 34 "spotify": "string" 35 }, 36 "href": "string", 37 "id": "2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 38 "images": [ 39 { 40 "url": "\n", 41 "height": 300, 42 "width": 300 43 } 44 ], 45 "name": "string", 46 "release_date": "1981-12", 47 "release_date_precision": "year", 48 "restrictions": { 49 "reason": "market" 50 }, 51 "type": "album", 52 "uri": "spotify:album:2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 53 "copyrights": [ 54 { 55 "text": "string", 56 "type": "string" 57 } 58 ], 59 "external_ids": { 60 "isrc": "string", 61 "ean": "string", 62 "upc": "string" 63 }, 64 "genres": [ 65 "Egg punk", 66 "Noise rock" 67 ], 68 "label": "string", 69 "popularity": 0, 70 "album_group": "compilation", 71 "artists": [ 72 { 73 "external_urls": { 74 "spotify": "string" 75 }, 76 "href": "string", 77 "id": "string", 78 "name": "string", 79 "type": "artist", 80 "uri": "string" 81 } 82 ] 83 }, 84 "artists": [ 85 { 86 "external_urls": { 87 "spotify": "string" 88 }, 89 "followers": { 90 "href": "string", 91 "total": 0 92 }, 93 "genres": [ 94 "Prog rock", 95 "Grunge" 96 ], 97 "href": "string", 98 "id": "string", 99 "images": [ 100 { 101 "url": "\n", 102 "height": 300, 103 "width": 300 104 } 105 ], 106 "name": "string", 107 "popularity": 0, 108 "type": "artist", 109 "uri": "string" 110 } 111 ], 112 "available_markets": [ 113 "string" 114 ], 115 "disc_number": 0, 116 "duration_ms": 0, 117 "explicit": true, 118 "external_ids": { 119 "isrc": "string", 120 "ean": "string", 121 "upc": "string" 122 }, 123 "external_urls": { 124 "spotify": "string" 125 }, 126 "href": "string", 127 "id": "string", 128 "is_playable": true, 129 "linked_from": {}, 130 "restrictions": { 131 "reason": "string" 132 }, 133 "name": "string", 134 "popularity": 0, 135 "preview_url": "string", 136 "track_number": 0, 137 "type": "track", 138 "uri": "string", 139 "is_local": true 140 }, 141 "currently_playing_type": "string", 142 "actions": { 143 "interrupting_playback": true, 144 "pausing": true, 145 "resuming": true, 146 "seeking": true, 147 "skipping_next": true, 148 "skipping_prev": true, 149 "toggling_repeat_context": true, 150 "toggling_shuffle": true, 151 "toggling_repeat_track": true, 152 "transferring_playback": true 153 } 154}


The Spotify Get Currently Playing Track Response Json is an example response of Spotify Get Currently Playing Track API which get the object currently being played on the user's Spotify account.

The Get Currently Playing Track Json API is a powerful tool for retrieving information about the currently playing track. It provides a comprehensive set of data about the track, including the artist, title, album, duration, and more. It also provides the ability to control playback, such as pausing, skipping, and seeking.

The response from the Json API includes a JSON object containing the track data. This includes the artist, title, album, duration, and other metadata. It also includes playback control options, such as the ability to pause, skip, and seek. Additionally, the Json response includes a link to the track's artwork, as well as a link to the track's preview.

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