Spotify Get Album Response Json

Spotify Get Album Response Json
The Spotify Get Album Response Json is an example response of spotify Get Album API, which get Spotify catalog information for a single album.


The Spotify Get Album Response Json is an example response of spotify Get Album API, which get Spotify catalog information for a single album.

JSON Data:

1{ 2 "album_type": "compilation", 3 "total_tracks": 9, 4 "available_markets": [ 5 "CA", 6 "BR", 7 "IT" 8 ], 9 "external_urls": { 10 "spotify": "string" 11 }, 12 "href": "string", 13 "id": "2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 14 "images": [ 15 { 16 "url": "\n", 17 "height": 300, 18 "width": 300 19 } 20 ], 21 "name": "string", 22 "release_date": "1981-12", 23 "release_date_precision": "year", 24 "restrictions": { 25 "reason": "market" 26 }, 27 "type": "album", 28 "uri": "spotify:album:2up3OPMp9Tb4dAKM2erWXQ", 29 "copyrights": [ 30 { 31 "text": "string", 32 "type": "string" 33 } 34 ], 35 "external_ids": { 36 "isrc": "string", 37 "ean": "string", 38 "upc": "string" 39 }, 40 "genres": [ 41 "Egg punk", 42 "Noise rock" 43 ], 44 "label": "string", 45 "popularity": 0, 46 "artists": [ 47 { 48 "external_urls": { 49 "spotify": "string" 50 }, 51 "followers": { 52 "href": "string", 53 "total": 0 54 }, 55 "genres": [ 56 "Prog rock", 57 "Grunge" 58 ], 59 "href": "string", 60 "id": "string", 61 "images": [ 62 { 63 "url": "\n", 64 "height": 300, 65 "width": 300 66 } 67 ], 68 "name": "string", 69 "popularity": 0, 70 "type": "artist", 71 "uri": "string" 72 } 73 ], 74 "tracks": { 75 "href": "\n", 76 "limit": 20, 77 "next": "", 78 "offset": 0, 79 "previous": "", 80 "total": 4, 81 "items": [ 82 { 83 "artists": [ 84 { 85 "external_urls": { 86 "spotify": "string" 87 }, 88 "href": "string", 89 "id": "string", 90 "name": "string", 91 "type": "artist", 92 "uri": "string" 93 } 94 ], 95 "available_markets": [ 96 "string" 97 ], 98 "disc_number": 0, 99 "duration_ms": 0, 100 "explicit": true, 101 "external_urls": { 102 "spotify": "string" 103 }, 104 "href": "string", 105 "id": "string", 106 "is_playable": true, 107 "linked_from": { 108 "external_urls": { 109 "spotify": "string" 110 }, 111 "href": "string", 112 "id": "string", 113 "type": "string", 114 "uri": "string" 115 }, 116 "restrictions": { 117 "reason": "string" 118 }, 119 "name": "string", 120 "preview_url": "string", 121 "track_number": 0, 122 "type": "string", 123 "uri": "string", 124 "is_local": true 125 } 126 ] 127 } 128}


The Spotify Get Album Response Json is an example response of spotify Get Album API, which get Spotify catalog information for a single album.

The Spotify Get Album Json API response provides detailed information about a specific album, including the album's name, artist, release date, track list, and cover art. The json API also includes a list of related albums and a list of available markets where the album is available. Additionally, the response includes a list of genres associated with the album, as well as a list of external URLs for the album.

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