Get User Response Json

Get User Response Json
The Get User Response Json is an example response of an API, that allows developers to retrieve user information, such as user name, email, and contact details.

JSON Data:

1{ 2 "active": true, 3 "address": "58953 Romeo Plank Rd", 4 "address_cont": null, 5 "admin": false, 6 "appointment_hours": "{\"Sunday\":[],\"Monday\":[\"9:00 am\",\"10:00 am\",\"11:00 am\"],\"Tuesday\":[\"1:00 pm\",\"2:00 pm\",\"3:00 pm\"],\"Wednesday\":[\"10:00 am\",\"11:00 am\",\"1:30 pm\"],\"Thursday\":[\"4:00 pm\",\"5:00 pm\",\"6:00 pm\"],\"Friday\":[],\"Saturday\":[]}", 7 "auto_underlying_limit": "250/500", 8 "calendly_access_token": "eyJraWQiOiIxY2UxZTEzNjE3ZGNmNzY2YjNjZWJjY2Y4ZGM1YmFmYThhNjVlNjg0MDIzZjdjMzJiZTgzNDliMjM4MDEzNWI0IiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiRVMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGguY2FsZW5kbHkuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNjYxOTYwNzQ2LCJqdGkiOiI0NmY1YzMyYi0yNWI1LTQ2OWEtODBjOS0wZjk0YWMxMjYzYTEiLCJ1c2VyX3V1aWQiOiJGREVIRkdKWUVCRUpSRkxVIiwiYXBwX3VpZCI6IlRPbXpWaVZyVTJWeG5BOVhBeEZ5THdSQkpCM3dGcVpzbzJZNDViM0JsRUEiLCJleHAiOjE2NjE5Njc5NDZ9.qJV_dkeMZJkn-Uyg2NWgR5EmbEO6GxVzdq5YhIXUL-lDVx-BNZRIv11QuIPtGHevd7PjL3vwccOvCkyNCUxrlA", 9 "calendly_expires_in": "2022-08-31T17:45:46", 10 "calendly_refresh_token": "iLOpw_M1-QY4bujC0jOMU_ucW_Ho8KgkLT1vvNFwMG0", 11 "calendly_rs_setup_appointment": "", 12 "calendly_vo_setup_appointment": null, 13 "carrier": "Farm Bureau-MI", 14 "child_user_assoc": [], 15 "city": "Ray", 16 "company_name": "Demo Agency-Testing", 17 "coupon_code": null, 18 "created_on": "2017-02-02T16:53:15-05:00", 19 "default_date": 10, 20 "email": "", 21 "email_cron_notification": 1, 22 "email_game_notification": 1, 23 "email_sale_notification": 1, 24 "email_stats_notification": 1, 25 "email_status": 0, 26 "first_name": "Agency Owner", 27 "groups": [ 28 { 29 "created_on": "2017-02-02T16:53:15-05:00", 30 "group_id": 9, 31 "id": 1817, 32 "updated_on": "2017-02-02T16:53:15-05:00", 33 "user_id": 2121 34 } 35 ], 36 "hidden": false, 37 "home_underlying_limit": "300,000", 38 "id": 2121, 39 "invited_by": null, 40 "invited_user": null, 41 "jobs": null, 42 "language": "en", 43 "last_login": "2022-06-28T00:00:35", 44 "last_login_temp": null, 45 "last_name": "Demo", 46 "minimum_liability_limits": null, 47 "minimum_liability_limits_ext": "{\"Home\":\"$100,000\",\"Auto\":\"$50,000/$100,000\"}", 48 "mobile_number": "", 49 "parent_user_assoc": [ 50 { 51 "child_id": 2123, 52 "created_on": "2017-02-02T16:54:26-05:00", 53 "id": 1673, 54 "parent_id": 2121, 55 "status": true, 56 "updated_on": "2017-02-02T16:54:26-05:00" 57 }, 58 { 59 "child_id": 2751, 60 "created_on": "2017-04-26T11:16:39-04:00", 61 "id": 2211, 62 "parent_id": 2121, 63 "status": true, 64 "updated_on": "2017-04-26T11:16:39-04:00" 65 }, 66 { 67 "child_id": 4418, 68 "created_on": "2017-11-08T12:38:26-05:00", 69 "id": 3614, 70 "parent_id": 2121, 71 "status": true, 72 "updated_on": "2017-11-08T12:38:26-05:00" 73 }, 74 { 75 "child_id": 186, 76 "created_on": "2018-04-10T15:05:10-04:00", 77 "id": 4321, 78 "parent_id": 2121, 79 "status": true, 80 "updated_on": "2018-04-10T15:05:10-04:00" 81 }, 82 { 83 "child_id": 6220, 84 "created_on": "2019-03-06T09:41:13-05:00", 85 "id": 5390, 86 "parent_id": 2121, 87 "status": true, 88 "updated_on": "2019-03-06T09:41:13-05:00" 89 }, 90 { 91 "child_id": 6998, 92 "created_on": "2021-04-07T09:56:42-04:00", 93 "id": 6042, 94 "parent_id": 2121, 95 "status": true, 96 "updated_on": "2021-04-07T09:56:42-04:00" 97 }, 98 { 99 "child_id": 7166, 100 "created_on": "2021-12-16T04:10:11-05:00", 101 "id": 6160, 102 "parent_id": 2121, 103 "status": true, 104 "updated_on": "2021-12-16T04:10:11-05:00" 105 }, 106 { 107 "child_id": 7206, 108 "created_on": "2022-01-17T13:26:32-05:00", 109 "id": 6194, 110 "parent_id": 2121, 111 "status": true, 112 "updated_on": "2022-01-17T13:26:32-05:00" 113 }, 114 { 115 "child_id": 7207, 116 "created_on": "2022-01-18T07:27:16-05:00", 117 "id": 6195, 118 "parent_id": 2121, 119 "status": true, 120 "updated_on": "2022-01-18T07:27:16-05:00" 121 } 122 ], 123 "phone": "5865800033", 124 "phone_ext": null, 125 "reward_program_enabled": 1, 126 "state": "MI", 127 "subscription": null, 128 "suggested_minimum_life_insurance": null, 129 "super_admin": false, 130 "tango_card_token_v2": null, 131 "tango_identifier_v2": "bfile-user-2121", 132 "timezone": "US/Eastern", 133 "timezone_offset": "-8", 134 "update_token": null, 135 "updated_on": "2017-02-02T16:53:15-05:00", 136 "user_agency_assoc": [ 137 { 138 "agency_id": 363, 139 "created_on": "2017-02-02T16:53:19-05:00", 140 "id": 1963, 141 "updated_on": "2017-02-02T16:53:19-05:00", 142 "user_id": 2121 143 } 144 ], 145 "user_note": null, 146 "user_notes": [], 147 "user_tier": null, 148 "user_type": "EA", 149 "virtual_link": "", 150 "vob_financial_advisor": 2122, 151 "vob_name": "EFS Demo", 152 "zipcode": "48096" 153}

Description :

The Get User Response Json is an example response of an API, that allows developers to retrieve user information, such as user name, email, and contact details.

This Json API provides a simple and efficient way for developers to retrieve user information for multiple users in a single request.

The Get User Json API is highly customizable, allowing developers to retrieve user information based on specific parameters, such as user ID, email address, or user type.

The Json API can also be used to retrieve historical user information, allowing developers to track changes in user information over time.

Developers can use the Get User Json API to integrate user information into their applications, such as displaying user details to other users or automating user information tracking and reporting.

The API is well-documented, with comprehensive documentation and support resources available to help developers get started and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

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